
Moving Soon?

  Moving - It’s tedious, time-consuming and sometimes a nightmare. It’s a journey we’ve all have taken at least once in our lifetime. One thing we can all say is true is that moving is a process that requires you take to make multiple decisions that can leave your head in shambles. On the bright side, there are a few steps you can take beforehand to make your moving experience a successful one. Here are 10 moving Do’s & Don’ts Tips Don’t: 1. Don’t procrastinate. Waiting until your move date to start packing may cost you time and money in the long run 2. Don’t settle for moving companies online or over the phone estimate. 3. Don’t hire movies you never met and isn’t insured. Meet with your movers at your home to obtain an onsite estimate weeks before your move date. 4. Don’t schedule a move during the summer months or towards the end of the month as these are the busiest time for moving companies. 5. Don’t pack valuables, such as money, jewelry or important do
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